Don’t Be an Alpha Male, Stay True To Yourself

Jack Robalino
3 min readMar 22, 2022

Be the best version of yourself, don’t sacrifice your identity

Image courtesy of Vicki Nunn via Pixabay

Who doesn’t want to be the center of attention? Many of us desire to be admired by others. Well, that’s not me.

After failing to become an alpha male, I learned something important: It is not worth it!

Please don’t waste your time trying to become someone completely different from who you are. Your identity matters a lot. You only need to develop it.

Develop yourself

No matter who you are, if you stay true to yourself. People with similar interests and personalities will gravitate toward you. And with the power of the internet, you could easily find a group that you identify with online.

But, you shouldn’t be comfortable where you currently are at. There is at least one thing that you can do to improve, to become a better version of yourself. Don’t overthink about it. Do what you love.

We have 24 hours every day. If you manage your time properly. You should be able to pursue your hobby or work on a project you are passionate about.

Don’t believe the influencers

I don’t think I am the only one here who doesn’t believe every word an influencer says through social media. There indeed are many who are trying to promote others to do good for themselves and everyone else. I won’t discredit them. On the contrary, I applaud them for their hard work and determination to direct people through the right path. But, always try to do some research before getting to a conclusion.

Unfortunately, there are plenty of bad apples in the barrel. And as common sense dictates, “You shouldn’t consume spoiled food”. Or in this case. Instead of food, we are addressing influencers. The ones that promote unhealthy ways of living and personal perspective.

I find it interesting that they try to promote good behaviors and lifestyles. For example: going to the gym and exercising. But, they forcefully correlate them with success or finding happiness. Some of them would say that to find a romantic partner you must be a smooth talker. Otherwise, you will fail before trying.

I was deceived by that type of influencer. I wasted my time watching their videos on “Self Improvement” or “Becoming the alpha man”. I wanted to be noticed and admired by my peers. But, it wasn’t worth sacrificing who I was. So, after failing to implement the supposed advice from those influencers. I decided to look for genuine influencers that were offering useful advice.

Nowadays, thanks to them. I have embraced and loved my introvertive nature. That doesn’t mean that I lock myself in my room all day. What I am trying to convey is that now I only engage in activities that I enjoy. I don’t force myself in situations that I am uncomfortable in.

If you only participate in activities that you find uncomfortable because of peer pressure and media demands you to. Then, you are going to be miserable. I’m not stating that you should never participate in them. I’m not a party person. Yet, sometimes I do feel like having a good time in one. Despite, being completely drained of energy by the end.

Stay true to yourself

Every single one of us is unique. You have probably heard this a hundred times already. But, that is because this statement is true. You have many abilities and skills that allow you to do various activities.

So, use them to bring joy for yourself and others. And, by staying true to your identity you will find people with similar interests.

Remember to grow and become a better version of yourself. You will end up loving yourself more.



Jack Robalino

Born in New Jersey, raised in Ecuador. My goal is to tell stories and to learn from what others have to say.